The Wonder Woman Power Pose

Last night I was at an event and one of the conversation points was around how to handle yourself in meetings when surrounded by a number of more dominant personalities.  In particular how you get treated with respect and be able to get your point / message across.  It reminded me at the time of this great TED talk by Amy Cuddy.  This version alone has had over 14 million views.  So I went back and watched this again and was again struck by some key phrases Amy uses.  They are

Our bodies change our minds …… and our minds change our behaviour ……. and our behaviour changes our outcomes.

This is great talk and I highly recommend that everyone watch the full video and learn the power poses.  I know I use the Wonder Woman Power Pose all the time, especially before important meetings and presentations.  And who knows, maybe these power poses will help you too.

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Wayne Wanders

The Wealth Navigator

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