The Rise in Homelessness in People over 55


According to the recent census data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, between 2006 and 2016, homelessness in people over 55 year grew by 49.5 per percent.  This is nearly double the rate of growth in below 55 year olds (26.6 per cent).

Now there will be a lot of causes for this such as the rate of growth of house prices, stagnant or low wages growth, the increasing cost of living.

Now everyone has a choice they can make.

They can decide to blame someone else and sit back and wait for the government to try and deal with these issues.  And face the highly likely outcome that very little will change.

Or you can decide to take control, and start to take steps to improve the health of your wealth so you reduce the likelihood of you being part of the growing number of people over 55 who are homeless.

You choice, but if you want some help to take control, why not register for one of my free events at

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Do you and your family a favour and start taking steps so you can improve the health of Your Wealth and get off the treadmill of working till you drop.

Wayne Wanders

The Wealth Navigator

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