Are you one of the nearly 3 million Australians who own shares? Well Labor’s Proposed Capital Gains Tax changes will hurt you!
The Labor Party released today a policy titled “Positive plan to help housing affordability” but the proposed capital gains tax changes Labor and Bill Shorten are proposing not only affect property but also all other investors including those who invest in shares.
And guess what, there are more taxpayers who hold shares (around 3 million according to 2014-2015 ATO taxation data) and get a dividend income that there are taxpayers who hold property (around 2 million according to 2014-2015 ATO taxation data).
And in fact in 2014-2015 according to ATO data of the $38.7 billion in capital gains reported by individual’s only $14.6 billion related to property. The rest was from shares and other asset classes.
So, don’t just think that the proposed capital gains tax changes that Labor and Bill Shorten are proposing only applies to property investors. There is a hidden sting in the tail for all other investors. And if you are one of these, you need to consider whether these proposed capital gains tax changes will adversely impact you.
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Wayne Wanders
The Wealth Navigator