The EMC theory – How to get your next job

Next time you are starting to prepare the cover letter for your next job application, or getting ready for your next job interview, here is a different way to approach these which may work for you.

And this is based on Cadel Evan’s EMC theory on the three key elements that are required from professionals.

The E stands for Experience – the practice at doing something.

M stands for Motivation (or passion) – the willingness to do something.

C stands for Capability – the ability to do something.

So What do You do with EMC?

Now if you have all three elements for the next job you are going for, all you need to do is highlight these so that people can actually see them.  It may be a matter of simply wording your cover letter along the lines of:

“I believe that I am an ideal fit for this position.  For instance as you can see in my attached resume I have:

  1. The experience required for this job, as demonstrated by some of my previous jobs including [insert relevant jobs].
  2. Proven my capability to perform at a high level in this role. For example at [insert role and the relevant achievement(s)].
  3. Shown my motivation to go beyond what is needed to ensure that the requirements of this role are not just met, but exceeded. For example at [insert role and the relevant point where you motivation has helped you].”

Now if you don’t have all three, not all is lost.  All you need to do to make sure you emphasise the ones you have and how they make up for the other.

For example if you have had had all the training but no real practical experience, highlight all the training and demonstrate why you are highly motivated to perform in that job.    I know in the past, it is not always the most experienced that gets the job.  A less experienced but more motivated person, is sometimes the better choice.

Now if you want more out of the box thinking on ……….

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Do you and your family a favour and start taking steps so you can improve the health of Your Wealth and get off the treadmill of working till you drop.

Wayne Wanders

The Wealth Navigator

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