Handy Tips to Help You Improve the Health of Your Wealth so You Can Get Off the Treadmill of Working Till You Drop
To help you on your journey to get off the treadmill of working till you drop, I have two FREE GIFTS for you. Firstly you can get the first 2 chapters of my book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” and secondly, you can watch a short video on why I believe most people are on the treadmill to work till they drop.
And you will join our Email Database for Content, Event Invites, Strategies and Ideas to help you IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF YOUR WEALTH and get you off the Treadmill of Working till You Drop!
Simply enter your name and email and click where it says CLICK HERE.
We promise to keep your email address safe.
Today is the Day to save on Your Insurance
I just found out the other day that the 1st of February is National Car Insurance Day in the US. I think they have a day for everything. Watch this video how I saved $1900 on my insurance in under 30 minutes.
Are You Trapped In the Web of Lifestyle Inflation?
Watch this video to learn more about lifestyle inflation and how this is impacting on you and your families future
Life’s problems wouldn’t be called “hurdles” if there wasn’t a way to get over them
The Winds of Change
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.
4 Powerful Ways to Change a Bad Habit
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”. Jim Rohn
Click here or on the image below to learn how to spot the triggers for changing bad habits
The Walls We Build
The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.
10 things so you are able to say I Can
Do you sometimes say “I Can’t”. Then here are 10 things so you are able to say “I Can”
Simple Tips to Help Pay Yourself First so you have More Money in the Bank
Here are some simple tips you can adopt to help you maximise the benefit of paying yourself first
The World is a Book
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
Two Roads
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
Pay Yourself First and have More Money in the Bank
Why are you working all week to make money just to pay it to someone else?
You need to start putting you and your family’s interests first. You need to start paying yourself first.
The Person Who is Doing It
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.
Thought Without Learning is Perilous
Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.
No Courage to Attempt Anything
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
You Can Achieve It
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
This is Our Australia
Proud to Be an Australian
Just reflecting on Australia Day. Knowing how proud we are to be Australian and how lucky we are to live in this beautiful country. Thought I would share some of the photos we took on our 30,000km+ of travels in Australia in 2016.
All Progress Takes Place Outside The Comfort Zone
All Progress Takes Place Outside The Comfort Zone
Waiting For The Storm
If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.
A Dream Written Down
A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true
The Moment You Doubt
The Moment You Doubt Whether You Can Fly, You Cease Forever To Be Able To Do It.
Wayne Wanders, The Wealth Navigator Has Been Published in
To help you on your journey to get off the treadmill of working till you drop, I have two FREE GIFTS for you. Firstly you can get the first 2 chapters of my book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” and secondly, you can watch a short video on why I believe most people are on the treadmill to work till they drop.
And you will join our Email Database for Content, Event Invites, Strategies and Ideas to help you IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF YOUR WEALTH and get you off the Treadmill of Working till You Drop!
Simply enter your name and email and click where it says CLICK HERE.
We promise to keep your email address safe.