Handy Tips to Help You Improve the Health of Your Wealth so You Can Get Off the Treadmill of Working Till You Drop
To help you on your journey to get off the treadmill of working till you drop, I have two FREE GIFTS for you. Firstly you can get the first 2 chapters of my book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” and secondly, you can watch a short video on why I believe most people are on the treadmill to work till they drop.
And you will join our Email Database for Content, Event Invites, Strategies and Ideas to help you IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF YOUR WEALTH and get you off the Treadmill of Working till You Drop!
Simply enter your name and email and click where it says CLICK HERE.
We promise to keep your email address safe.
Its Never Too Late
It is never too late to be what you might have been
Don’t Follow Someone Else’s Dreams
Isn’t it time to set your own financial dreams and not wait for someone else to set them for you
Kindle Bonus
My new book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” will show you how to avoid the Poverty Trap and have the life you want, and more importantly, the life you deserve.
Free Copy of my Book Avoid the Poverty Trap
If you help cover some of the postage and handling, I will mail directly to your letterbox, a FREE physical copy of my brand new book.
You will also get FREE silver membership to The Wealth Navigator Club.
My Favourite #MuhammadAli Quotes RIP
My Favourite #MuhammadAli Quotes RIP
See the Light
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light
Up on Stage at Total Success 2016
Up on stage speaking at Total Success Sydney 2016
Picking up my New Book
Picking up my New Book
Your Attitude
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude – Zig Ziglar
Thoughts become things – chose the good ones
Thoughts become things – Chose the Good Ones
The Book is Coming
Great news.
I just signed off on the printers proof for my new book “Avoid the Poverty Trap”
1st Edition should be available May 1
Invent Your Future
Most People are concerned about the future. The best way to control your own future is to invent it yourself.
The Parable of 10 Men in A Bar
How does the Tax System Work As we lead into the 2016 – 2017 Budget and the 2016 Federal Election, all this discussion around tax changes reminded me of an old parable i read many years ago. I think this best explains how the tax system does (and does not) work. Your thoughts?
Get Your Hands off My Super
The Government wants to enshrine some legislation which could result in the not to distant future of you losing control of what you can do with your superannuation. Don’t let them do this by stealth. Read more to see what you can do about it.
Will You Live in Poverty
According to the OECD’s “Pension at a Glance 2015” report, you probably in for a shock when you stop working.
The OECD’s “Pension at a Glance 2015” report found that over 33% of Australians aged 65 and older, are living in poverty.
Do You Suffer From Lifestyle Inflation
What does Your Financial Future Look Like
I want to talk about your future, when you want to, or have to, stop working.
For most people this seems so far away that they believe they have plenty of time. They tend to take the typical Aussie attitude of “She’ll be right mate”.
I do not have to do anything today, I have plenty of time.
But this is not true. So today, click here to see the video that shows you how much time you really have, and why you need to start to focus on financial future today.
Have You Made a New Years Resolution
Do you know that about 90% of people fail to achieve their resolutions?
If you want to be one of the few who successfully achieve their goals, you need understand your why or reasons for making these resolutions.
Read on for an extract from my upcoming book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” which will help understand your whys.
Don’t Sweat the Small Things
Don’t focus on the little things in life.
Focus on your family, your health and having enough money to enjoy both.
Dream It
Do you and your family a favour and start taking steps so you can start building your own dreams.
Wayne Wanders, The Wealth Navigator Has Been Published in
To help you on your journey to get off the treadmill of working till you drop, I have two FREE GIFTS for you. Firstly you can get the first 2 chapters of my book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” and secondly, you can watch a short video on why I believe most people are on the treadmill to work till they drop.
And you will join our Email Database for Content, Event Invites, Strategies and Ideas to help you IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF YOUR WEALTH and get you off the Treadmill of Working till You Drop!
Simply enter your name and email and click where it says CLICK HERE.
We promise to keep your email address safe.